EI Premium

Site plan

Solar monitoring and control solution with the most granular remote diagnostics and troubleshooting capabilities.

Maximize performance and site uptime, while minimizing O&M costs with the unique features of EI Premium. Benefit from granular troubleshooting data for swift issue resolution, including advanced charts, performance notifications, and comprehensive module-level production data at 1-minute intervals.

  • All features and benefits of Tigo’s EI Basic
  • Module-level data: voltage, current, power, energy, reclaimed energy, and RSSI
  • 1-minute interval production data
  • Unlimited retention of historical production data  
  • Customizable, Automatic Performance alerts via email and SMS
  • Basic and Advanced Charts
  • Daily and Monthly reports
  • Data Export
  • API access

Tigo EI Premium is the most granular solar commissioning, monitoring and control solution featuring open architecture and role-based access control for installers and asset owners. It offers 1-minute production update, detailed module-level performance and health data, advanced charts and notifications, making it a robust solution for identifying issues remotely, pinpointing their sources, and prompt issue resolution.

All Features and Benefits of the EI Basic: The EI Premium provides access to all features and benefits available today on the complementary EI Basic including solar monitoring and control capabilities, from single module and equipment to the entire system. The EI Premium, similar to the EI Basic, offers health status, PV/AC Production, Grid Export/Import, Battery Charge/Discharge and Consumption data. For the complete list of the EI Basic features, please refer to the dedicated section.

Module-level PV Production Data: voltage, current, power, energy, and reclaimed energy: Uncover and diagnose issues that other platforms can't detect by visibility to the generated power, energy, and reclaimed energy, as well as, voltage, current and RSSI (Received signal Strength Indicator) of every module with 1-minute update interval:

  • Diode Issues - Bypass diode failures can be detected through irregular current and voltage readings.
  • Connection Problems - Connection problems such as loose connections, corroded terminals, or faulty wiring can be identified by a drop in current and voltage.
  • Communication problems - Obstructed mesh network and the potential need for additional nodes can be detected by Low RSSI data readings.

Unlimited retention of historical production data Data retention from the inception allows for detailed performance analysis of each module and the entire system, helping to identify trends, seasonal variations, and long-term degradation patterns.

Long-term data retention could also yield to the optimized system design for upgrades and expansions, warranty and compliance verification, financial analysis, and reporting.  

Customizable Performance Alerts for Optimal Performance In addition to EI Basic’s safety alerts, receive also automatic timely alerts regarding performance of your system via email and/or SMS. Automatic performance notifications ensure you are promptly informed about any issues or changes in your solar system’s performance, allowing quick response to potential problems, minimizing downtime and energy loss.

Basic & Advanced Charts with 1-Minute Granularity - EI Premium offers full granular production and performance data since inception on Basic Charts, as well as full data with minute update granularity on Advanced Charts.

On Advanced charts, users can zoom into individual modules to monitor their performance, providing precise diagnostics and performance assessments. Advanced charts can be customized to show specific data types, such as power input, voltage, and current for each optimizer, as well as inverter-specific data. The historical performance of Advanced Charts allows for viewing both current and historical performance metrics, which helps in tracking system efficiency over time.

Data Export - Users can download the data from the Advanced Charts in CSV format for further analysis or reporting.

Daily and Monthly Reports: EI Premium provides users with detailed user-selectable daily and/or monthly PV system production and performance reports via email and/or SMS. EI Premium users gain access to more detailed and frequent data updates, with module-level data provided at 1-minute intervals. There is no limit on historical data access.

API Access – Premium customers will have access to detailed data on energy production and system performance via API, enabling integration with various third-party applications and services.  

EI Premium can be immediately added to any Tigo monitored site by enrolling here. One enrolled, EI Premium features are accessible via desktop and mobile via the Apple App Store or Google Play.

Steps to order:

  • Login to the Tigo Energy Intelligence platform (ordering is not available in the App)
  • Within a system, select ‘Setting’ from the left navigation bar, then ‘Premium’ from the opened pull-down-menu.
  • Select either the 1-month free trail option by selecting “Start 1-month Premium for Free” or purchase the subscription by selecting “Upgrade to Premium”
  • EI Platform calculates the annual EI Premium subscription price based on the number of PV modules in the system
  • Select your desired package, and enter your payment information to complete the order

Note: Users can enroll some or all their systems in the EI Premium subscription and have also subscribed to the EI Professional. There are no overlapping features between EI Premium and EI Professional subscriptions. For more details about signing up for the EI Professional, please refer to the EI Professional section of the Tigo Website.  


For up to 35 modules. $0.60/module for >35
Energy Intelligence Solutions
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Purchase occurs in the EI Portal
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