Tigo's commitment to quality rapid shutdown systems

As the leader in dedicated rapid shutdown devices, a category of Module Level Power Electronics (MLPE), Tigo prides itself on delivering quality, reliable rapid shutdown solutions for the solar industry.
Tigo Energy leaf logo - white


>100 million MLPE devices have been installed in the last 4 years

“Usage of MLPE technology is increasingly driven by added benefits such as improved safety capabilities, enhanced energy yield and improved fault detection.”
– S&P Global Report, 2022


Proven, reliable rapid shutdown systems

Tigo rapid shutdown devices have been deployed on rooftops all over the world to meet electrical code safety requirements that protect firefighters and first responders from electrical shock.
  • Tens of millions of units shipped
  • Tested, certified for compatibility with hundreds of inverters
  • Proven performance all over the world
  • Rated for the latest high current / high power modules


See how Pure Signal technology reduces crosstalk in large C&I applications

The RSS Transmitter with Pure Signal technology can link multiple RSS Transmitters together, enabling one coordinated keep-alive signal to the array to maximize signal integrity, even in large and complex solar installations.
  • Enables lower installation costs with shared cable trays
  • Unifies the signal of up to 10 different RSS Transmitters
  • Works with Tigo TS4-A-F and 2F rapid shutdown devices
  • View downloads, specs and more here

The Tigo commitment

Our approach to deliver reliable rapid shutdown systems

At Tigo, we understand that reliability and performance are paramount. To maximize the quality of the entire rapid shutdown installation, we've broadened the scope of our tools and offerings beyond just our products to include design and installation assistance.


Preempting design flaws

Design resources that set installers up for success with their rapid shutdown projects.


Mitigate installation issues

Resources that can be used from your desk or in the field to ensure requirements are met.


Reduce solution errors

Product and solution innovations that make it even easier deliver reliable rapid shutdown installations

Our success is your success

Tens of millions of TS4's have been delivered to solar installations over the last 10 years.
Tigo products are extremely reliable and have <0.2% lifetime product returns.


Enroll today for personalized assistance on your installation.

"The design review was user-friendly, and having on-call support during installation was a game-changer. Our team gives it a perfect ten across the board"
- Project Manager at Circuit Energy Solutions

See the case study

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